Visit Canada
Live the International Experience
Internships in Canada became easier for French students.
Go to Canada for a summer course

Top rated tourist attractions in canada
Here are the highlights of a trip to Canada: visit Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies; Jasper National Park and Stanley Park; the CN Tower, located in the center of Toronto, this tower measures exactly 555.33 meters high …
In 2014, Canada was considered as the 10th largest economy in the world
The franchise market in Canada
Pour les candidats à la franchise souhaitant émigrer, le Canada semble très attractif. De nombreuses franchises se développent dans de nombreux domaines. Le Canada est une terre d’opportunités pour ceux qui veulent se lancer en franchise. Son marché des franchises est l’une des principales raisons pour lesquelles il est classé 10e en termes de PIB, supérieur à la Russie et inférieur à la France et au Royaume-Uni où le marché des franchises est probablement le marché le plus actif et le plus développé d’Europe, consultez UK-Franchise pour Suite…

Supplier countries
In 2017, Canada’s main suppliers are China, the United States, Mexico and Germany. Its main customers are Japan, China, the United Kingdom …

Visit Canada’s largest aquarium
In the city of Vancouver

Niagara Falls
The best attractions and activities in Niagara Falls are : the Horseshoe Falls, Journey Behind the Falls, Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory …

Traveling to Montreal
Best touristic sites in Montreal are : Montreal Botanical Garden, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal Biodome …

The Province of Ontario
Places of interest in Toronto are : the CN Tower, Toronto’s Ripley Aquarium, the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada’s Wonderland, …
The main areas of activity
78% of the Canadian population is active. The main sectors of activity are tourism, internet, aerospace, telecommunications …
This country is also known as a major exporter of agricultural products in the world and producer of ores such as zinc, nickel …
Primary industry
In the primary industry, the most dynamic sectors are: the forest sector, renewable energies, metals and minerals, fishing …
Canada is a major exporter of processed food products. This country is also well known for exporting maple syrup.

Get a scholarship in Canada
It is possible to choose between a selection of possible various scholarships for foreign students, provided by the government, canadian universities or other organizations. Nevertheless, the number of Canada scholarships is relatively limited in comparison with USA scholarships or UK scholarships for exemple.
Continue your studies in Canada, enjoy a higher education

Study in Canada
Le système universitaire canadien est très semblable à celui des universités américaines. Augmentez vos chances d’être accepté par un établissement d’enseignement, en postulant dans plusieurs universités. Merci à nos partenaires : .
Preparations for applications to enter Canadian universities must be made nine months prior to departure. To be selected, it is essential to obtain the French Baccalaureate.
For some universities, it is mandatory to obtain a minimum grade of 11 during the advance French bac, official tests such as TOEFL and IELTS are also necessary to confirm the level of English language.
You must pay between 40 and 60 euros to apply for Canadian universities, generally, registrations are open from 1 January to 1 March.