
Visiter le Canada

Visiter le Canada : Demande d’autorisation de voyage AVE

Si vous envisagez de voyager au Canada et que vous êtes un citoyen de l’un des pays dispensé de visa, il vous faut obligatoirement obtenir une AVE. Voici toutes les…

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Enjoy a stay in Canada to attend the American music awards

Enjoy a stay in Canada to attend the American music awards

For a majority of people, summer seems ideal for the much-anticipated break from the regular work hours. A short break to attend a fun event like the American Music Awards can prove…

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Exploration Projects

Geology Port au Port #1, the first deep well in western Newfoundland and the first to be drilled on modern seismic data, was drilled by the Hunt-PanCanadian partnership in 1995….

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Plan du site